Saturday, November 28, 2009

Vampire movies -- The small rant.

Mood: Photobucket lulwut

So it seems that no matter how old or new or good a movie is. If it's about vampires, half the time, SOMETHING is just not right.

Twilight -- Just fucks everything about vampires up, lets not go into that.

I just watched a 1974 movie Blood for Dracula. It started off promising, Dracula goes to Italy to find a virgin bride etc etc. Towards the end of the movie, the slutty servant boy, who is the reason 3 of the 4 daughters aren't virgins realizes he's a vampire, and chases him around with an axe..
Problem 1: Hes fucking Dracula, not once did he attempt to defend himself.
Problem 2: .. Hes Dracula...
Problem 3: ...
So this servant boy ends up killing dracula, even after he fed off the only virgin daughter in the house, and you'd think "Oh well he'd have all his strength back. NAWP!..

So the movie ends, with Dracula and the newly turned vampire girl, both dead. And me raging.

Epic facepalm.

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