Sunday, September 21, 2008

Today has been...

Mood: Photobucket *sigh*

Pretty shitty.
Started off fine, til Matt's mom called saying he had to go help her at the Office after all, when she said he didnt have to last night..
So instead of the normal, ok lets go, he tells me to stay home, for all these really stupid reasons like, you'll be bored, even though the hundreds of times I've sat around while they cleaned the office I haven't and that I had to be there with my dad to go look at my friend Nathans car, when all I did was just sit there and watch.
So after a while of playing Spore I was more calm and whatever. My family went out to eat at Steak n' Shake, and Matt went to eat with his mom, and now he's not answering his phone -.- *sigh*
I hate when he does that shit.

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