Friday, October 10, 2008

I survived the week

Mood:Photobucket Ehh

I made it through my first week back to school without going crazy or falling asleep in class, or on the way home.

Today was texture building, which wasn't too bad. Brian's a good teacher, and I'm hoping to learn more this time around.

I kinda pulled a dick move on someone today.
When I was in animation last semester there would be this kid, that would come in and do really shitty drawings on the expensive "Draw on screen" wacom tablet, when I was about to go and use it. So I was using it today, and this guy, who I thought was the same kid, asked if I was using it, and I kinda just said "Yea" Instead of being polite and getting my stuff off it so he could use it.
Then after seeing what he had up, was actually very good, I realized that it wasn't the same guy

Lesson of the day:
I can't tell black people apart

So then I get stuck in traffic the whole way home, because people are idiots and don't know how to drive in the rain.
I get home and Colby is there, though I was expecting that because Matt told me earlier he was, so it was fine.
I did end up however falling asleep and being grumpy from being tired. So oh well...

Now I've been working on a descriptive essay and kinda working my D&D character into it.

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