Friday, October 3, 2008

So the kids are going back home

Mood:Photobucket Dead, leave me be.

Right back to the mother who treats them like shit.
The DCF never called or came by yesturday, my mom called them this morning, and apparently the mom was out of jail and the kids were supposed to have been taken home, wonderful, thanks for calling and telling us, maybe we could've all actually had a full meal last night. Better question yet, why didn't the fucking mother come and pick up her own goddamn kids if she was out of jail yesterday? This isn't your personal holiday because the DCF took your kids away. It's a warning, straighten up or get them taken away for real next time.

(I just realized I've been spelling "Yesterday" wrong for years, I could've sworn it was "Yesturday" it just.. looks right that way)

Do these fucking people realize how hard it is right now for a family like mine, who is struggling to feed themselves, have to take in 3 other kids because they're mom is a lazy/ bitchy cunt?

My mom keeps telling my sister that Gabbie is never coming over again, and I don't blame her.
There's nothing wrong with the kids themselves, it's the fact that my sister hanging out with Gabbie apparently gives Gabbie's mom the right to shove my family into their drama fest they have going on, because Gabbie dresses goth, and her mom is a God fearing idiot.

I'll just be glad when this crap is over. My mom tries to do something nice for someone, to get their mom to just open a damn door, and because said mom is a complete fucktard, my mom gets stuck with 3 extra kids eating up our food for 2 days. I don't see how thats fucking fair.

I'm stillt trying to wrap my head around, what kind of a person you have to be to treat one of your children like that. I really don't get it... I've heard of religious people being unaccepting of their children but this is fucking ridiculous.

I hate people.

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