Saturday, October 11, 2008


Mood:Photobucket Ugh

So my friend was being all pissy today.
There slight plans for D&D on November 1st, but I said I couldn't go (To the DM) because me and Matt were going to be in Miami. So my friend messaged me asking why, and I said "We're going to Anime Super Con", and he was all like "Oh thanks for the invite" Then started QQing because I had Nathan, Tyler, and Colby going with us. Which quite frankly it was originally just going to be me and Matt, until we realized extra people could help with paying for room and gas, and they just happened to be the first 3 people to say anything about going. We didn't even tell anyone else that we were going, because no one knows what the fuck anime super con is.

So whatever.. I mean if he wanted to go, drive himself and most likely his girlfriend too, but no he even said "pft I'm not driving there" Well .. Sorry car full lawl.

This is why I dont publicly say I'm going to any kind of convention, because then shit like this happens, and people get all hurt and offended because I didn't ask them to go with me.

This isn't fucking AFO where we drive for maybe an hour and get out of the car and laugh and have fun
No this is fucking ASC in MIAMI that's a fucking 6 hour drive, the less people we have to worry about the better quite simply put.

So whatever.
3 other people, 5 total in one room is fine, any more is a crowd.

1 comment:

Rex Venom said...

Passions and Dice and All That is Good and Needed
Rock on!